Becoming a WasteSorted School
Steps to getting our WasteSorted
Educational resources and links for WA schools
Funding to assist accredited schools in waste management and education
Accredited Schools
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WasteSorted Schools News View all
14 Oct
18 Jul
05 Jun
Congratulations to the following schools who were successful in Round 1, 2024:
Attadale Primary School
Augusta Primary School
Baler Primary School
Belmont City College
Bullcreek Primary School
Cannington Community College
Carey Park Primary School
Carine Senior High School
Caversham Primary School
Christ the King Catholic Primary School
Condingup Primary School
Dalwallinu District High School
East Butler Primary School
Eton Farm Primary School
Exmouth District High School
Good Shepherd Catholic School Lockridge
Gwynne Park Education Support Centre
Harmony Primary School
Joondalup Education Support Centre
Kyilla Primary School
Leschenault Catholic Primary School
Lynwood Senior High School
Mindarie Senior College
North Mandurah Primary School
Northampton District High School
Ocean Road Primary School
Our Lady of Fatima School
Padbury Catholic Primary School
Pearsall Primary School
Perth Waldorf School
Peter Carnley Anglican Community School
Rossmoyne Primary School
Salvado Catholic College
St Damien’s Catholic Primary School
St Mary’s College
St Paul’s Primary School Karratha
Swanbourne Primary School
The King’s College Primary School
Wanneroo Secondary College
Woodbridge Primary School
19 Apr
08 Apr
Check out the new WasteSorted Schools Food Waste curriculum guide. This Year 5 cross-curricula unit is aligned to the WA curriculum and contains lessons for HASS, Maths, English and Science. These lessons can be taught independently or together as a complete unit of work. Using an inquiry-based and integrated approach to learning, students explore the issues of food waste at home and at school. As an assessment option in English, students will create a food waste cookbook to educate their school community about what they have learned.
Download it now for FREE from our curriculum materials.
Workshops and Events View all
25 Feb
Date: Tuesday 25th February
Time: 9am - 3pm
Venue: Herdsman Lake Discovery Centre, Wembley
Join us for a full day of talk about the WasteSorted Schools Program and how to get involved. Some of the topics that will be covered are:
- WasteSorted Schools accreditation
- Assessing your school waste
- Setting up infrastructure
- WasteSorted Schools grants
- Lots of examples of school projects
You will also have the opportunity to explore hands-on and classroom style activities such as:
- The WasteSorted Race
- Compost in a Bottle
- Lifecycle of a Plastic Bottle
It is recommended that you complete the WasteSorted Schools online learning module prior to attending this workshop.
The workshop is suitable for primary and secondary school staff including teachers, principals, administration staff, gardeners and parents. The workshop is FREE and teacher relief payments are available for TWO staff (teachers, EA's and gardeners) from each school.Register here:
13 Mar
- Organistation
- WasteSorted Schools and Clean Schools – After-school workshop
- Contact
- Megan Mentz
- Phone
Date: Thursday 13 March 2025
Time: 12:30 – 3.00pm
Venue: Online
Join us to learn about the benefits of the WasteSorted Schools Program and how to get involved.
Some topics covered will include:
- Getting accredited as a WasteSorted school
- Assessing your school waste
- Setting up your infrastructure
- Getting WasteSorted Schools grants
- Lots of examples of regional school projects
You will also have the opportunity to visually explore some classroom activities such as:
- Running a Waste Sort
- Doing a composting activity as part of the Science curriculum
- Lifecycle of a Plastic Bottle activity
AND we will finish with breakout rooms to chat what comes next.
The workshop is suitable for primary and secondary school staff including teachers, principals, administration staff, gardeners and parents. The workshop is FREE and teacher half day relief payments are available for TWO staff (teachers, EA's and gardeners) to attend online from each school.Register here
Link to registered attendees for webinar will be sent one week beforehand.
18 Mar
Date: Tuesday 18th March
Time: 4 - 6:30pm
Venue: Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre
Hear from primary and secondary accredited WasteSorted Schools about successful waste management practices implemented at their school. They will share ideas and experiences about how they have created a successful program including set up, maintenance, and engaging students and the wider school community.
Presentations will be in 2 separate rooms - one for primary and one for secondary schools.
- Somerly Primary School
- East Maddington Primary School
- Jolimont Primary School
- Other TBC
- Aquinas College
- Carine Senior High School
- Ellenbrook Secondary College
- Other TBC
The event will also be attended by several organisations who can support your school with sustainability.
A light afternoon tea, including coffee and tea will be provided during networking time from 4.00pm before presentations commence at 4:30pm.
Register here:
25 Mar
Date: Tuesday 25th March
Time: 9am - 3pm
Venue: Canning River Eco Education Centre
Join the team from WasteSorted Schools for a full day of talk on waste education.
The workshop will include:
- Waste infrastructure
- Opportunities for meaningful learning through waste
- Waste in the curriculum
- Resources available for integrating curriculum
- Hands-on activities
- Separate primary and high school working groups
- Examples from other schools
It is recommended that you complete the WasteSorted Schools online learning module prior to attending this workshop.
The workshop is suitable for school staff including teachers, principals, administration staff and parents. The workshop is FREE and teacher relief reimbursements are available for two staff from each school.
Register here:
26 May
Date: Monday 26th May
Time: 9am - 3pm
Venue: Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre, Murdoch
Join the team from WasteSorted Schools and Robyn Brown from Waste is my Resource for a full day of talk on organic recycling and edible food gardening.
The workshop will include:
- Composting
- Worm Farming
- Growing food at school
- Closing the loop on organic recycling
- Resources available for integrating organics into the curriculum
- Hands-on activities
- Examples from other schools
This workshop is recommended for accredited WasteSorted Schools who are looking to start or improve organic waste recycling at their school.
The workshop is suitable for school staff including teachers, principals, administration staff, gardeners, canteen staff and parents. It is FREE and teacher relief reimbursements are available for two staff from each school.Registration: opening soon