Welcome to 2024!

The team from WasteSorted Schools want to acknowledge the teachers, school staff, parents and students who engaged with our program in 2023. Thank you for the countless hours you put into getting your school communities WasteSorted! We look forward to working with you all again in 2024.

Getting to grips with organics.

Over the years, the data collected from our waste audits shows that compostable organics account for up to 38% of a school’s waste. This is a waste stream that schools can tackle on-site themselves, providing an excellent opportunity to integrate curriculum learning with waste education. Below are examples from two different schools of how they have chosen to convert organic waste into compost.

Jerramungup District High School (DHS)

With the support of their school gardener Mr Dowling, the students at Jerramungup DHS have been getting involved with their school garden. Fruit and vegetable scraps collected from classrooms are first chopped into smaller pieces using a bucket and spade. They are then emptied directly into the inground compost tubes in the raised garden beds along with some shredded paper. The students monitor the condition of the compost, aerating it and adding water as needed.

To create a closed loop system at school, Mr Dowling applied for a grant to build a greenhouse. This new addition to the garden allows students to grow their own food seedlings. These seedlings are then transplanted into the raised garden beds, taking advantage of the improved growing conditions created by the compost tubes. The students love the time they spend in the garden as they are given responsibility and ownership of the process, while learning practical skills for the future.

Carey Baptist College - Forrestdale

Despite already having compost cones and worm farms in place to divert their fruit and vegetable waste from landfill, Carey Baptist College felt there was still more they could do. As they are based on a large bush block, their permaculture teacher Mr Montgomery, had the idea to use some of that space to build a three-bay hot compost system that could be shared by both the primary and secondary schools. This new system allows them to compost garden waste, including prunings, weeds and lawn clippings. It also enables them to compost more food waste including some meat and dairy from the Food Technology department and the onsite cafe.

This project formed part of Carey Baptist College’s whole school, sustainability vision. By taking a hands-on role in the planning and building of the compost bays, students engaged in cross-curricular learning that linked with science, food technology, design technology and permaculture classes.

If you have stories of your own that you would like to share, get in touch at wastesortedschools@dwer.wa.gov.au.

2024 Accreditation survey now open!

Accreditation provides recognition of a school’s commitment to reducing waste. It helps to embed waste avoidance and recovery into the school’s philosophy and culture and provides support for projects and initiatives.

You can renew your schools accreditation via our Online Portal. If you do not currently have access to the portal, please get in touch at wastesortedschools@dwer.wa.gov.au.

2024 Grant rounds

Round 1: opens Wednesday 31 January, and closes 4pm Tuesday 12 March, 2024. 

Round 2: opens Monday 3 June, and close 4pm Tuesday 6 August, 2024.

WasteSorted Schools grants provide funding for schools to set up infrastructure and initiatives that avoid and recover school waste. Grants of up to $5,500 are available and all accredited WasteSorted Schools are eligible to apply.

Please see the website for more information on how to apply.

WasteSorted Schools grants | Waste Authority WA

Term 1 Workshops

WasteSorted Schools workshop for beginners

Date: 20 February 2024

Time: 9:30 - 3:00pm

Venue: The Wetlands Centre, Cockburn

Join the team from WasteSorted Schools to find out how to get started with waste avoidance and reduction at your school. This workshop is for people who are new to the WasteSorted Schools program.

Register: WasteSorted Schools beginners workshop | Humanitix

WasteSorted Schools curriculum workshop

Date:     12 March 2024

Time:    9:30am – 3.00pm

Venue: Canning River Eco Education Centre

Join the team from WasteSorted Schools for a hands-on look at how waste avoidance and resource recovery can be integrated across the curriculum.

Register: WasteSorted Schools curriculum workshop | Humanitix

WasteSorted Schools organics workshop

Date:      20 March 2024

Time:     9:30am – 3.00pm

Venue:   Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre

Join the team from WasteSorted Schools and Robyn Brown from Waste is my Resource for a full day of talk on organic recycling and edible food gardening.

Register: WasteSorted Schools organics workshop | Humanitix

Regional Workshops

WasteSorted Schools general information workshop – Kalgoorlie

Date:      20 February 2024

Time:     9am – 3pm

Venue:   South Kalgoorlie Primary School, 42 Lionel St, Kalgoorlie

Join WasteSorted Schools to learn how our program can support your school's journey to reducing waste. You will have opportunities to explore activities aimed at embedding organics learning into curriculum, strategies for avoiding single-use plastics and be shown systems that work in regional schools.

Register: WasteSorted Schools - General Information Workshop - Kalgoorlie 

Getting organised

If you want to plan ahead for the year, you will find an overview of all 2024 metro workshops on the WasteSorted Schools website. Dates and venues are subject to minor changes, however, the topics covered will remain the same. Information on regional workshops will be posted as they become available.

Workshops and Events | WasteSorted Schools | Waste Authority WA

New resources

New posters available on our website

If your school is collecting eligible containers to be recycled through Containers for Change WA, make sure to download our free posters to label your collection bins.

If your students (or staff!) need some pointers on keeping your worm farms or compost cones happy and healthy, our helpful new ‘how to’ posters will keep them on the right track.  

Download all WasteSorted Schools posters here: WasteSorted posters for schools | WasteSorted

Containers for Change educational resource

Containers for Change are excited to announce the launch of their new education resources, designed to make saving 10c containers an everyday school activity; on the school grounds, at the canteen, in the classroom, in student’s homes, and even in your local community.

The new education resources include the:

  • Containers for Change Education Guide (developed with support from WasteSorted Schools). Learn top tips for fundraising, collecting 10c containers, education activities and involving your whole school community.
  • Containers for Change Curriculum Lesson Plans (via Cool.org). For Years 5 & 6, these free WA curriculum-aligned lessons will equip educators to teach the stuff that matters. Empowering students to make more sustainable choices and take positive action in their community.
  • Containers for Change WA Schools Digital Resource Folder. A range of digital assets to support education and fundraising.

Your school can access the new resources now by visiting the new dedicated school participation page on the Containers for Change website here.


Waste Audit

Conducting a waste audit is a necessary step to becoming an accredited WasteSorted School. This fun and informative incursion helps you find out the types and amount of waste your school produces. The data collected can be used to prioritise and improve existing waste projects.

WasteSorted Race

Are your students struggling with the correct waste sorting behaviours? Or have you introduced a new bin system at your school, like paper recycling or FOGO? Book our WasteSorted Race incursion to help students learn the importance of source separation.

Paper Making Kit

If you are looking for a hands-on way to educate your student about the recycling process, why not borrow our paper making kit? This kit contains all the equipment needed for you and your students to participate in the process of turning old, scrap paper into new, usable paper.

To organise a booking in the metro area, please contact us at wastesortedschool@dwer.wa.gov.au

Regional partners

WasteSorted Schools have partnered with organisations in the Kalgoorlie-Boulder and Broome regions, who provide waste related incursions on our behalf. For more information on what is available in your area, or to organise a school visit contact:

Kalgoorlie-Boulder area: admin@kbulg.org.au

Kimberley region: kimberleycommunityed@dbca.wa.gov.au

Tackling textile waste

With the issue of textile waste becoming an ever-growing problem, some schools are doing their bit to reduce uniform waste ending up in landfill.

St. Mary’s Primary School Kalgoorlie is one of the many schools that have set up a second-hand uniform shop. Not only is this saving uniforms and school shoes from ending up in landfill, but it is also saving families money. Read more about it in the Kalgoorlie Miner.

Albany Primary School have been collecting their old uniforms and sending them for recycling through Australian company UPPAREL. Recycling costs start from $35, which will allow you to send and recycle 10kg of textiles in one box. For more information head to the UPPAREL website.

Schools Clean Up Day Friday 1 March

A School Clean Up is a great way to inspire students to learn about the impact of rubbish on their local environment while playing an active role in their community.

Register your school and receive your free School Clean Up Kit:

Get Involved as a School - Clean Up Australia

Clean Up Australia has teamed up with Cool.org to create resources and curriculum-linked lesson plans to help you maximise the learning potential of your School Clean Up event.

Clean Up Australia Day Education Resources | Cool.org

Schools Earth Hour Friday 22 March

Get your students ready to unleash their wild side and embark on an adventure to save nature! ���� We're not just talking about any ordinary Earth Hour; this year, they're turning up the excitement.

Sign up to switch off this Earth Hour : Schools Day

Just for fun

What is a recycling bins ideal date? – a CAN-dle lit dinner