Term 4 Newsletter 2023

School inspiration, workshops and useful resources.

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Welcome back to Term 4!

We know it has been a big and busy year for all our dedicated school staff. We are here to support you and celebrate all that you have achieved!

Look what’s happening at schools in the Mid West

Lancelin Primary School

Lancelin Primary School have been hard at work in their school garden. Their new greenhouse is being planned and built with the help of students, providing those students with the opportunity for hands-on practical application of their numeracy skills. They also have plans in place for a revamp of their chicken coop and Noongar seasonal gardens.

St. Lawrence’s Primary School

St. Lawrence’s Primary School are taking a whole school approach to sustainability. Each year level has their own area of responsibility, ensuring the load is shared evenly across the school. The students collect fruit and veg waste, and with the help of the school gardener, this is processed through their four worm farms. The leachate and castings are then used on the school gardens, replacing the need for commercial fertilisers.

Northampton District High School

The students at Northampton District High School have been incorporating sustainability into their farm studies. With worm farms, a chicken coop, garden beds and greenhouses all made from repurposed and recycled materials the students are seeing first-hand how waste is a resource that can be utilised.

Kalbarri District High School

Kalbarri District High schools have been taking things to the next level! With their new bin stations up and running in staff and student areas, there isn’t much left for landfill. They collect and compost their food scraps; eligible containers are refunded through Containers for Change; they utilise a selection of free Terracyle collection boxes for hard to recycle items; and their canteen avoids single-use items where they can. Thanks to the hard work of their dedicated staff and students, Kalbarri District High School are leading the way in what can be achieved by a school in a regional area.


If you have stories of your own that you would like to share, get in touch at wastesortedschools@dwer.wa.gov.au


Congratulations to the following schools for achieving 5 years of accreditation as a WasteSorted School this year!

Aspiri Primary School

Gosnells Primary School

Gwynne Park Primary School

Honeywood Primary School

Kennedy Baptist College

Maida Vale Primary School

Margaret River Independent School

North Mandurah Primary School

St Andrew's Catholic Primary School

Congratulations to the following schools for achieving 10 years of accreditation as a WasteSorted School this year!

Aranmore Catholic Primary School

Chrysalis Montessori School

Clifton Hills Primary School

Cooinda Primary School

Cooloongup Primary School

Eden Hill Primary School

Emmanuel Catholic College

Excelsior Primary School

Joondalup Education Support Centre

Osborne Primary School

Pioneer Village School

Poseidon Primary School

Secret Harbour Primary School

Somerly Primary School

South Lake Primary School

Woodlands Primary School

Upcoming Workshops

WasteSorted Schools Curriculum Workshop

Date:   Tuesday 7th November

Time:  9:30am – 3pm

Venue: The Wetlands Centre, Cockburn

Join the team from WasteSorted Schools for a hands-on look at how waste avoidance and resource recovery can be integrated across the curriculum.

Register: WasteSorted Schools curriculum workshop Tickets, Tue, Nov 7, 2023 at 9:30 AM | Eventbrite

WasteSorted Schools Planning for 2024 Workshop

Date: Tuesday 28th November
Time: 9:30am – 3pm
Venue: Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre, Winthrop

Join the WasteSorted Schools team to discuss and assist with the planning of waste reduction projects at your school in 2024.

Register: WasteSorted Schools - Planning for 2024 Tickets, Tue 28/11/2023 at 9:30 am | Eventbrite

Sustainable Schools WA South Metro Meeting

Date: Tuesday 31st October

Time: 3:45pm – 5:30pm

Venue: Beeliar Primary School, 86 The Grange, Beeliar, WA

SSWA meetings are open to all teachers, school staff and general sustainability champions and are a way to learn and network! At this meeting there will be presentations about OzHarvests FEAST Program, Climate Clever at Lynwood SHS and a tour of Beeliar Primary Schools initiatives.

RSVP to: info@aaeewa.org.au

WasteSorted Award Winners 2023

Congratulations to South Coogee Primary School, winners of the WasteSorted Awards 2023 - Schools Award.

South Coogee Primary follows a whole-school approach, implementing sustainable initiatives and promoting awareness of the impact communities have on their local and global environments. As part of the school’s Sustainable Action Plan, its current goal is to further decrease waste to landfill, increase paper and carbon recycling, and continue to teach students about waste avoidance, correct disposal and how sustainable actions need to be a way of life.

Congratulations also to Somerly Primary School, who were highly commended in this category.

Well done to Eaton Primary School and Kingston Primary School, who were also both finalists.

It’s great to see schools being recognised for the wonderful contribution they are making towards waste avoidance and resource recovery.

Communication Survey

We asked and you answered!

We would like to extend a huge thank you to all the respondents who completed our communication survey earlier this year. We were delighted so many of you took the time to let us know how best to keep you up to date with all that is happening at WasteSorted Schools. Your information enables us to continually improve the WasteSorted Schools program!

New Green Canteen Video

If you are looking to take steps towards becoming a Green Canteen, we have just what you need. Hear from Penny, the canteen manager and Lianne, a volunteer, about how Lake Gwelup Primary School made the switch to be a Green Canteen. This video is packed full of helpful tips and tricks from people who know how to make it work.

WasteSorted Green Canteen - YouTube

Upcoming Events

National Recycling Week is one of Planet Ark’s flagship campaigns that aims to educate and empower people to do the right thing when they’re at the bin.

The Schools Recycle Right Challenge runs from 9th October - 17th November 2023 and offers a wide range of recycling themed activities, lesson plans and event ideas that have been developed specifically for Australian schools.

Register your school and access resources by following the link below:

Get Involved At School - Planet Ark Recycling Near You

Outdoor Classroom Day is a global movement to inspire and celebrate outdoor play and learning, at home and at school. You can register your school event here: Sign up to Outdoor Classroom Day Australia – Get Involved

Why not use an activity from one of our WasteSorted Schools curriculum guides to engage your students with some fun, hands-on, outdoor activities on the day.

Worms curriculum guide

Compost curriculum guide 


New High School FEAST Program

OzHarvest’s free education program FEAST is now available to all year 7 & year 8 students!

FEAST (Food Education and Sustainability Training) is a curriculum-aligned program which explores the issue of food waste and its environmental impact, healthy eating and easy classroom cooking.

For more information and to register your interest, visit education.ozharvest.org or email feast@ozharvest.org

School Recycling Hubs


This year MobileMuster celebrates 25 years of providing a free, environmentally responsible, and sustainable recycling program for mobile phones and their accessories to all Australians.  Register your school to become a collection point and when you are ready, book in a free pick-up to arrange collection. For more information and to sign up for your free school kit, follow the link: Join us – MobileMuster

Glad Food Care Recycling Program

TerraCycle have partnered with Glad to provide the Glad Food Care free recycling program. To participate in this program, you need to create a TerraCycle account, collect the used products, then download and print the free shipping label whenever you are ready to send them back. For more information, please follow the link: GLAD® Food Care Recycling Program · TerraCycle

Just for fun

Saw a clock in the bin the other day - Can't believe people are wasting time!

For more information about the items in this newsletter or for any questions about the WasteSorted Schools Program, please contact us at wastesortedschools@dwer.wa.gov.au.