The former Community Grants Scheme (CGS) has now been incorporated into the Community and Industry Engagement (CIE) program.
From 2005 to 2018, CGS provided over $1.8 million to implement more than 200 small scale community projects to improve waste management practices and knowledge in communities all over Western Australia.
The Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 was launched in February 2019. It provided an opportunity to combine the CGS and Engagement in Action programs under CIE to better support achievement of the objectives, targets, guiding principles and focus materials described in the new waste strategy.
For more information, refer to the Community and Industry Engagement Program, or contact the Programs team at:
2018 Community Grants Scheme Projects
- Art for Waste Awareness (Ravensthorpe Regional Arts Council)
- Community Garden Compost Bins (Jurien Bay Community Resource Centre Inc)
- Connecting Communities, Councils & Canteens to the Circular Economy (Green Skills - Albany)
- Cut to the Waste (Dunsborough Community Garden Inc)
- Don't Rubbish Country - a FREE car recycling program (ABC Foundation Ltd)
- Event based - Plastic Beverage Bottle Reduction Project (Greenbatch Foundation)
- FERN Organic Waste Management Project (Fremantle Education Resource Network - FERN)
- Great Southern Waste Warriors (Rainbow Coast Neighbourhood Centre)
- KAS Trailer tops (Kununurra Agricultural Society)
- KNH - Recycling Goes Bush (Kununurra Neighbourhood House)
- LMCG Waste Recycling Program (Lake Monger Community Garden)
- One With Waste (Hilton Harvest Community Garden Inc)
- Plastic Bag Eradication Program (Hamilton Hill Community Group)
- Port Hedland Rags to Bags (Care for Hedland Environmental Association)
- Recycling Drop Off Stations (Waste Recycling Education Network – WREN)
- Reduce Plastic Use – It’s all in the bag (Northam Farmers Market)
- Sew Cool Stage Two - The Denim Project (Green Skills - Denmark)
- Source Separated Domestic Waste Collection (Marra Worra Worra Aboriginal Corp)
- Towards a Waste Free Future - Tackling waste at the Bedfordale Bush Markets (Bedfordale Connect)
- Waroona Waste Not (Waroona Community Resource Centre Inc)
- Waste Free Movement (Millennium Kids)
- Waste Not Want Not (Esperance Growers Market Inc)
- Waste to Earth (William Langford Community House Inc)
- Waste to Riches Food Waste Recycling Program (Pinjarra Community Garden)