The Community and Industry Engagement (CIE) Program has been rebranded as WasteSorted Grants – Infrastructure and Community Education 2020–21.
From 2017 to 2020, the CIE program provided financial backing for projects which aligned with the State Government’s Waste avoidance and resource recovery strategy 2030 (waste strategy) and contributed to Western Australia becoming a sustainable, low-waste, circular economy in which human health and the environment are protected from the impacts of waste.
Successful applicants received funding to develop recycling infrastructure. The program also supported research which improved the use of recycled materials, promoted behaviour change and encouraged engagement between different groups across the community, to develop and share better waste management practices.
The CIE program invested over $4.5 million in projects which improved recovery and reuse of focus materials including plastics, construction and demolition waste, textiles, food organics and garden organics.
The aims of the CIE were to:
- support industry, business, local governments, regional councils, peak industry organisations, research and education organisations and community groups to develop and implement projects which contribute to achieving the objectives of the waste strategy
- maximise expertise within industry, business, local government, regional councils, peak industry organisations, research and education organisations and community groups and networks to engage more effectively with targeted groups
- improve waste management practices and efficiencies through effective education and knowledge-sharing in alignment with the waste strategy objectives and priorities
- provide data that measures the impact of behaviour change and educational initiatives
- develop more informed stakeholder networks and insights into specific waste sector communities
- inform future policy and program design by increasing the Waste Authority’s and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s knowledge of waste management practices and trends.
Current grant opportunities
Please visit the WasteSorted Grants page for more information.