Learning objective
Each lesson includes a lesson description, lesson aim and curriculum links.
The Worms curriculum guide is one in a series of curriculum-linked activity packs written for the Waste Wise Schools Program in 2014.
Each booklet covers a different topic including the 3Rs, worms and compost. The activities are designed to complement the school’s ongoing waste minimisation projects, and to support learning at every stage of a school’s Waste Wise journey. In turn, Waste Wise projects provide real life context to curriculum outcomes while directly involving students in their own learning.
By reinforcing Waste Wise principles through the curriculum in an engaging and practical way, teachers will find it easier to incorporate waste reduction practices in their school. In addition, the involvement of students and the modeling of positive behaviours, reinforces the environmental principles and curriculum outcomes.
The activities are meant to be fun and are designed to promote life-long learning, where students, teachers and the rest of the school community are empowered and enabled to take responsibility for their waste minimisation actions, while developing positive environmental values and promoting long term behaviour change.
- Worms alive
- Investigation: Worm food
- House of worms
- Investigation: Grassy heads
- Worm loop
- Investigation: How worms behave
- Worm rap
- Enterprising worms
- Worm presentations
- Worm games