Draft 2023-24 Business Plan and Action Plan
Following its annual planning session held on 14 February 2023, the Waste Authority considered a draft 2023-24 Business and Action Plan. For the 2023-24 plan, it is proposed to combine the two documents into a single document to better streamline documentation and avoid repetition. Further work to finalise the 2023-24 plan is currently underway and will be provided to the Minister for Environment for his consideration by the end of May 2023.
Review of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030
The Waste Authority supported a Waste Strategy Review project plan and budget and agreed on a proposed three-phase consultation approach for the review of the Waste Strategy in 2023. This approach is subject to the approval of the Minister for Environment.
- Phase 1 consultation proposes to release a Directions Paper, seeking comments on proposed themes for the Waste Strategy review, to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to provide early input into the review. The proposed six-week consultation process, likely to commence in late May 2023, is intended to run parallel with market research to ensure community expectations and priorities are understood and considered.
- Following input received from proposed Phase 1 consultation, Phase 2 will see the release of the Draft Waste Strategy for a 12-week consultation period around early November 2023, consistent with requirements outlined in the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2007.
- Phase 3 consultation will allow for a modified Draft Waste Strategy to be prepared, following the consideration of submissions received, to be provided to each entity that makes a submission (together with a summary of submissions). An updated Waste Strategy is proposed to be released in July 2024.
Better Bins Plus: Go FOGO program
The Waste Authority considered the findings of an internal review of the Better Bins Plus: Go FOGO program undertaken by Departmental officers. The review considered up-take of the program funding to-date and options to improve this.
An update was provided to members by the Director, Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (WARR), Adrian Wiley, on his meetings along with the Manager Policy WARR, with various local governments regarding the Better Bins Plus: Go FOGO program.
Draft State Waste Infrastructure Plan
The Waste Authority was pleased to see the public release of the Department of Water and Environment Regulation’s draft State Waste Infrastructure Plan, which will provide a long-term information framework to guide decision-making for the planning and development of waste infrastructure in Western Australia. The draft State Waste Infrastructure Plan is a key deliverable of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030.
With an outlook to 2050, it focuses on the built waste and recycling infrastructure needed for the state to achieve Waste Strategy targets in 2030. The draft infrastructure plan includes some of the waste infrastructure characteristics, needs, challenges and opportunities unique to each region, and outlines government waste infrastructure principles.
The Waste Authority encourages feedback from industry, local governments, state government agencies and the community on the plan. Further information on how you can participate can be found on DWER’s website. Submissions close on 23 June 2023.
E-waste to landfill ban in Western Australia
The Waste Authority received an update on progress towards delivering an e-waste ban to landfill in 2024. An E-waste to landfill ban in Western Australia consultation paper was released by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation on 23 January 2023 for public consultation and closed on 31 March 2023.
Industry and the community were encouraged to provide feedback on implementation approaches for the ban on e-waste disposal to landfill in Western Australia. Submissions are currently being analysed and will be used to inform the design and implementation of the ban.
Local Government waste plan annual reports 2021-22
The Waste Authority received an update on local government waste plan annual reports for the 2021-22 financial year, submitted under the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2007. The first waste plan annual reports were submitted to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation in October 2022.
The Waste Authority was pleased to see that the majority of waste plans submitted by local governments are progressing well and delivering services consistent with the Waste Strategy.
Other matters
The Chair of the Waste Authority’s Program Risk and Performance Committee (PRPC), Kaylene Gulich, provided an update to members on key outcomes of the recent meeting held on 14 March 2023. The PRPC provides oversight and guidance to the Waste Authority on risk management, program evaluation and financial reporting.
The Waste Authority considered a refreshed governance charter as part of the Authority’s governance framework and a draft Service Level Agreement between the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and the Waste Authority for 2023-24.
The next meeting of the Waste Authority will be held on 20 June 2023.