Immediately prior to its 30 October meeting, Waste Authority members met with local governments and waste industries at a breakfast event coordinated by the Western Australian Local Government Association. It was an excellent opportunity for Waste Authority members to meet with key stakeholders to discuss relevant waste management and recycling matters, especially in the lead up to National Recycling Week 2019.
At its 30 October meeting, the Waste Authority noted key outcomes from the inaugural meeting of the Program Risk and Performance Committee held on 22 October 2019. This Committee of the Waste Authority is chaired by the CEO of Treasury Corporation, Kaylene Gulich and includes members Mike Rowe, Director General, Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and Reg Howard- Smith, Chairman – Waste Authority. The Committee is charged with providing oversight and guidance to the Waste Authority in relation to risk management, program evaluation and financial reporting. Key activity, risk and financial reports will be dealt with by this Committee.
The Waste Authority received a presentation from Nous Group (Nous) on the draft Evaluation Framework for the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030. It provides a framework for evaluating programs delivered under the Waste Strategy and associated Action Plan, underpinned by recognised program evaluation concepts and approaches. The report is currently being finalised with Nous.
Members discussed the proposed Better Bins Plus Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) program and better practice kerbside guidelines to support the adoption of FOGO collection systems. The Waste Authority considered a proposal for a three bin FOGO system rollout and establishing a consultative FOGO Reference Group. A plan for a three bin FOGO system rollout was considered as a working draft, which will be circulated to the FOGO Reference Group following the appointment of members.
Members discussed the review of progress against the Waste Strategy Action Plan, noting that good progress is being made.
Members discussed the Minister’s Statement of Expectation for the Waste Authority and considered its response to this by way of a Statement of Intent. Both documents will be available on the Waste Authority’s website once the Minister for Environment notes the response.
The Waste Authority also noted the recent Department of Water and Environmental Regulation consultation with local governments on the draft Waste Plans resource kit, to assist local governments within the Perth metropolitan region, the Peel region and major regional centres to prepare waste plans that align local government waste planning processes with the WARR Strategy 2030.