Program summary
The WasteSorted Organics Infrastructure Grants 2024‒25 program is a State Government initiative administered by the Waste Authority and funded through the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Account.
- Closing date: Applications to this program closed on 11 October 2024
- $1.25 million allocated in this round, with the possibility of more funding
- No maximum funding cap per project
- Small- and large-scale projects considered
The WasteSorted Organics Infrastructure Grants Guidelines 2024–25 available below provide detailed information on how to apply for funding.

Program objectives
The aim of the program is to support investment in food organics and garden organics (FOGO) recovery, recycling and processing infrastructure in line with the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 (waste strategy). WasteSorted grants are aligned with the waste strategy’s objectives of avoiding waste, recovering more value and resources from solid waste, and protecting the environment.
The program’s objectives are to support the construction or purchase of a broad range of large and small infrastructure and equipment, to enable the re-use or recycling of source separated FOGO waste that would otherwise go to landfill or be lost from the circular economy.
Priority waste
This program targeted infrastructure development that recovers higher value resources from priority FOGO waste.
Order of priority:
- Municipal FOGO collections
- Commercial and industrial food organics (FO) and FOGO collections
- Other organics streams recovered for processing
Who could apply
Organisations eligible to apply for funding included:
- businesses (normally with at least one year of continuous operation)
- incorporated community groups
- local governments
- not-for-profit organisations
- regional councils.
Organisations not eligible for funding included:
- organisations without an ABN/ACN
- individuals without an ABN
- State Government agencies and statutory authorities
- applicants from Christmas and Cocos (Keeling) Islands
- schools (WasteSorted Schools grants are available specifically for school waste projects)
- research and education organisations
- peak bodies
- organisations that have outstanding waste levy payments, reporting or other obligations under any programs funded through the WARR Account
- applicants unable to confirm reasonable compliance with Western Australian environment protection laws during the past five years.
What will be funded
Funding was available for projects implemented in Western Australia that handle or process organic waste wholly or primarily sourced in Western Australia.
Examples of infrastructure that may be funded by the program include:
- facilities and equipment to support greater sorting and decontamination of recovered organic waste
- facilities and equipment to enable reprocessing of organic waste to a higher quality suitable for manufacturers and end markets
- facilities and equipment for the remanufacturing of recovered organic waste into new products
- vehicles directly related to organics processing (not collection) such as loaders.
Detailed examples of infrastructure that may be funded are provided in the WasteSorted Organics Infrastructure Grants Guidelines 2024–25.
Applications were required to be completed and submitted through the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s SmartyGrants portal which provides an easy-to-use online application form.
Assessment of applications for funding focused on:
- how a project supported the waste strategy’s objectives
- how a project targeted the program’s priority focus materials for this funding round
- whether a project met specific assessment criteria outlined in the WasteSorted Organics Infrastructure Grants Guidelines 2024–25 (available below).
Information webinar
An information webinar for applicants was held on 3 September. A recording of the webinar and a copy of the webinar slides is available at the following links:
Successful projects
Details of the successful projects will be published following the State election caretaker period.
Contact details
For further information about WasteSorted Grants, please contact the program coordinator on 6364 6945 or by email to
Related links
- WasteSorted Organics Infrastructure Grants Guidelines 2024–25
- Application form (via SmartyGrants)
- SmartyGrants help guide for applicants
- SmartyGrants Applicant FAQs
- Terms of Participation in WasteSorted Grants Programs
- Example funding agreement
Future funding
Please subscribe to receive email alerts when new funding opportunities become available.