The WasteSorted Schools toolkits are designed to guide schools in conducting waste audits, establishing a green team, running waste-free lunches and establishing a WasteSorted Schools garden.
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School Waste System Assessment
The school waste system assessment will help you review your existing waste contract and identify new services that could help your school recover more waste and potentially save money.
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Waste-free lunch toolkit
A waste-free lunch contains no throwaway packaging and reduces food waste. With resources for school and home, this toolkit will help to educate and inspire your school community to avoid and recover waste.
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Edible school garden planting and maintenance guide
This guide has been developed in response to teachers wanting a user-friendly edible garden planting guide relevant to a school year in Perth.
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Starting a green team
A green team is a group of students supported by teachers, parents and the wider community. The objective is to raise the profile of and tackle issues associated with environmental and social sustainability.
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Visual bin audit
A visual bin audit involves staff or students reporting on items they can see at the top of bins. It is a great way to assess if bins are being used correctly.
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Waste audit
A waste audit is an evaluation of the waste that your school produces. It allows you to find out two things; first, how much waste your school produces and second, what type of waste is produced.