Infinity Awards 2020
Nominations are now closed for the 2020 Infinity Awards.
Thank you to all the organisations and individuals that submitted nominations.
Unfortunately, given the unprecedented circumstances surrounding COVID-19 and the current situation we find ourselves in, we must pause the 2020 awards process, including the assessment of nominees, until later this year, at which time we will reassess.
Due to current circumstances surrounding COVID-19, the 2020 Infinity Awards program has been put on hold.
The 2020 Infinity Awards gala dinner and presentation event, which was scheduled for Wednesday 6 May, will not be proceeding. If you have already purchased tickets, you will receive a full refund and we will be in touch shortly. Please check back for further updates later in the year.
The categories for the 2020 Infinity Awards included:
Category 1: Avoid Recover Protect – Community Waste Award
Awarded to an individual, group or organisation for excellence in avoiding or recovering waste or protecting the environment from the impacts of household and community waste, resulting in positive outcomes in the waste sector.
Category 2: Avoid Recover Protect – Commercial and Industrial Waste Award
Awarded to an individual, group or organisation for excellence in avoiding or recovering waste or protecting the environment from the impacts of waste generated from commercial and industrial activities, including building and construction.
Category 3: Avoid Recover Protect – Waste Management Award
Awarded to an individual, group or organisation for excellence in avoiding or recovering waste or protecting the environment through the management of waste streams generated by the community or industry.
Category 4: Avoid Recover Protect – WA Regional Waste Award (new category in 2020)
Award to an individual, group or organisation for excellence in avoiding or recovering waste or protecting the environment from the impacts of waste in regional Western Australia, resulting in positive outcomes in the waste sector (particularly in the regions).
Category 5: 2020 Waste Champion
Awarded to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding commitment and contribution to better waste management.
Category 6: 2020 Young Waste Achiever
Awarded to a young individual who has demonstrated outstanding commitment and contribution to better waste management.
Category 7: Waste Team of the Year
Awarded to a dedicated team that has demonstrated outstanding commitment and contribution to better waste management.
Category 8: Waste Innovation of the Year
Awarded to an initiative which has demonstrated exceptional innovation in waste management, improvement, practices and outcomes.
Category 9: Waste Wise School of the Year
Open to all public, independent and non-government schools in Western Australia from K-12 for outstanding commitment and contribution better waste management.
Category 10: Media Award
Open to all journalists, photographers and camerapersons based in Western Australia or working for WA-based media organisations for excellence in reporting on waste issues – recognising accuracy, newsworthiness, insight, impact and public benefit.