2023-24 Waste Authority Annual Report
The Waste Authority was pleased to note the public release of its 2023-24 Waste Authority Annual Report following its tabling in Parliament in November 2024. The Annual Report reflects achievements over the past year and members look forward to continuing their push towards 2030 with a refreshed vision, Waste Strategy and implementation plan.
Waste and recycling in Western Australia 2022-23 – Data and trends report
Members were also pleased to note the release of the latest Waste and recycling in Western Australia 2022-23 – Data and trends report.
The report presents data and trends in waste recovery and disposal in Western Australia based on the 2022-23 financial year and assesses the State’s progress against targets set out in the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 (the Waste Strategy).
Data published in the report is also available in dynamic Power BI reports on the Waste Authority’s website and available for download on data.wa.gov.au.
The Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Regulations 2008 requires liable persons, including local governments, recyclers and large non-metropolitan landfills, to report waste and recycling data annually to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the Department).
Waste Strategy review consultation report
The Waste Authority received a presentation by Metrix Consulting following Phase 2 of community and stakeholder consultation on the draft Waste Strategy 2030, which was open for 12 weeks and closed on 21 August 2024.
The consultation included a mix of face-to-face and online workshops, written submissions and online surveys. Eight stakeholder workshops and nine one-on-one interviews with state and local governments were held. Forty-eight survey responses and 55 written submissions were received as part of the consultation process.
Metrix Consulting provided members with a high-level summary of the consultation feedback, covering key findings for the vision, targets and priority areas. Feedback received from stakeholders showed strong support for the 5 priority areas included within the consultation draft, including:
- Better outcomes for regional and Aboriginal communities
- Increasing our focus on waste avoidance
- Better management of focus materials – plastics, organics, e-waste
- Realising the economic potential of recycling, and
- Contingency planning and climate resilience.
Analysis of the feedback received has informed the development of a draft list of 118 potential Roadmap actions to support implementation of the new draft Waste Strategy 2030.
Prioritising actions in the draft Waste Strategy 2030 Roadmap
Waste Authority members noted with interest, a presentation by consulting firm Blue Environment, who has been engaged to assist in prioritising actions for inclusion in the draft Waste Strategy 2030 Roadmap, using a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) approach.
The MCA provides a systematic approach for prioritising actions, which will be one factor in the decision-making process to identify which actions should be included in the draft Waste Strategy 2030 Roadmap.
The Department’s Circular Economy team has been involved in running a pilot test of actions using the MCA to test the established criteria and weightings. Findings from the pilot test will assist in refining the process prior to the MCA tool being used on the full suite of 118 draft Roadmap actions. The final proposed list of draft Waste Strategy Roadmap actions will be considered by the Waste Authority at its strategic planning day to be held on 25 February 2025.
Members noted Circular Economy team staff continue to meet with government agencies to ensure a coordinated approach in finalising proposed Roadmap actions specific to their portfolio areas.
Foundational and enabling work which underpins the current Waste Strategy 2030, particularly behaviour change communications, will also continue under the new Waste Strategy, likely with some adjustments made to reflect new priorities.
Roadmap action options for better outcomes for regional and Aboriginal communities
At its September 2024 meeting, the Waste Authority considered observations from a staff field trip to a selection of remote Aboriginal communities. Following on from this, members noted proposed options for the draft Waste Strategy 2030 priority area Better waste management in Aboriginal communities. Options currently being considered, closely align with whole of government priorities including the Closing the Gap Agreement and the WA Government’s Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy 2021-2029.
Members noted that further internal and external consultation on proposed options will be undertaken prior to determining appropriate actions for inclusion in the proposed draft Waste Strategy 2030 Roadmap.
E-waste ban Implementation progress
The Waste Authority received an update on the progress and implementation of the e-waste ban to landfill, which came into effect on 1 July 2024.
Members noted a state-wide integrated media campaign took place between 7 July to 30 October 2024 across metropolitan and regional Western Australia, including statewide radio and streaming audio sites, YouTube videos, digital advertising, social media, shopping centre panels etc.
The Department published a series of fact sheets and an FAQ to support local government authorities and others, with further information regarding responsibilities of e-waste service providers and significant entities, reporting requirements and how to estimate the weight of
An E-waste Exemption Framework is currently being developed to assist entities who may find it difficult to comply with the regulations due to geographic remoteness, infrastructure constraints and/or generation of low volumes of e-waste.
Members noted the Department is adopting an education focused approach during the first year of the regulations but expects businesses and public entities to demonstrate reasonable efforts to comply with the ban.
The E-waste Infrastructure Grants (EIG) program was established to support the e-waste ban as part of the Government’s commitment to reduce the number of electronics and electrical items going to landfill.
The most recent round of the EIG saw $5.4 million allocated to 15 projects to increase e-waste storage, collection, recycling and processing throughout WA. The government has previously provided $4.5 million in grants to WA local governments, small businesses and not-for-profits, bringing the Government’s total investment in e-waste recycling to nearly $10 million.
Next meeting
A strategic planning day of the Waste Authority and its Program Risk and Performance Committee will be held on 25 February 2025 to consider key priorities for the 2025-26 Waste Authority Business and Action Plan and the development of the draft Waste Strategy 2030 and supporting Roadmap.
The next meeting of the Waste Authority will be held on 30 April 2025.
Season’s greetings from the Waste Authority
The Waste Authority encourages you to sign up to receive its monthly newsletter Trash Talk, providing the latest waste news and initiatives from the Waste Authority and the Western Australian State Government.
You can sign up by subscribing to Waste Authority News from our website.
The Waste Authority wishes you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. The WasteSorted Christmas campaign includes resources available for local governments, regional councils and the community to help spread the joy of sustainable practices this festive season to embrace low-waste traditions in our celebrations.