Outcomes of the Waste Authority meeting held on 26 June 2024

Key outcomes of the Waste Authority's latest meeting

Release of consultation draft waste strategy

The Waste Authority was pleased to see the release of the consultation draft of Western Australia’s Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 (the waste strategy), which is now open for public consultation, closing on 21 August 2024.

The Waste Authority encourages your feedback on updates to the draft waste strategy, including a new vision, strategic priorities and targets for the five-year period 2024-2029.

Release of State Waste Infrastructure Plan for Western Australia

Members were also pleased to see the release of the State Waste Infrastructure Plan for Western Australia, which provides a long-term information framework to guide decision making for the planning and development of waste and resource recovery infrastructure in WA, with an outlook to 2050.

The plan is the first step in providing a high-level analysis of infrastructure needs for the state, using the available data to project future needs, risks and priority areas.

2024-25 Waste Authority Business and Action Plan

The 2024-25 Waste Authority Business and Action Plan was recently approved by the Minister for Environment and will be released on the Waste Authority website in July.

Draft 2022-23 Waste and Recycling in WA Data report

A draft 2022-23 Waste and recycling in Western Australia data report was considered by the Waste Authority.

The Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Regulations 2008 requires liable persons, including local governments, recyclers and large non-metropolitan landfills to report waste and recycling data annually to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.

The data reported by liable persons and supplementary sources is used to measure progress towards targets contained in the waste strategy.

Members noted with interest, an analysis of industry comments received as part of voluntary feedback from liable recyclers on the availability of source material, market strength and barriers to recycling.

The 2022-23 Waste and recycling in Western Australia data report data will be published on the Waste Authority website, similar in format to previous years, following final desktop publishing and noting by the Minister for Environment.

National Waste Policy Action Plan

The Waste Authority received an update on the Biennial review of the National Waste Policy Action Plan (NWPAP) and progress towards the implementation of recommendations.

At the May 2024 meeting of the Commonwealth, state and territory Senior Officers, members noted that the second NWPAP review report was noted, identifying areas for improvement to be addressed through the development of a strengthened NWPAP.

Members noted the Commonwealth is also progressing a new National Circular Economy Framework, which is due to be finalised by December 2024. The Framework will drive a faster transition to a circular economy and ensure efficient use of key resources and materials in Australia.

Other Commonwealth initiatives were noted by members as outlined in the Environment Ministers Meeting Communique for its meeting held on 21 June 2024.

The Waste Authority noted excellent opportunities for alignment as the WA waste strategy is progressed in parallel to national initiatives.

Packaging Reform – Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) Strategy

The Waste Authority noted with interest, that APCO has finalised its 2030 Strategic Plan which will see APCO transition to an eco-modulated fee model, with proceeds being applied to improve plastic collection, sorting and reprocessing in Australia.

The APCO Strategy is being considered in the context of the Commonwealth’s national packaging regulatory reforms, with reforms expected to include design and recycled content requirements, and chemicals to be phased out from packaging.

The Commonwealth aims to provide an outline of the packaging regulatory reforms for Ministers’ consideration by the end of 2024.

Update on the Sectoral Emissions Reduction Strategy (SERS)

The Waste Authority received an update from the Department’s Climate Change team on the Sectoral Emissions Reduction Strategy for Western Australia.  The Strategy outlines pathways and priority actions for the state’s transition to net zero emissions by 2050.

The SERS builds on significant work already underway to decarbonise our economy with 40 new actions that will be implemented by 14 state government agencies and trading enterprises, through the development of sectoral plans.

Circular economy principles are key to reducing emissions across sectors.

The Climate Change Bill 2023, introduced into the WA Parliament in November 2023 will establish a target of net zero emissions by 2050; the setting of interim targets to be achieved by specified dates; the development of emission reduction strategies; and the development of climate adaption strategies and sector adaptation plans.

Next meeting

The next meeting of the Waste Authority will be held on 17 September 2024.

Trash Talk Newsletter

The Waste Authority encourages you to sign up to receive its monthly newsletter Trash Talk, providing the latest waste news and initiatives from the Waste Authority and the WA State Government.  You can sign up by subscribing to Waste Authority News from our website.

Created Date:
Fri 12 July 2024

Last Edit Date:
Thu 18 July 2024