Draft 2023-24 Waste Authority Annual Report
Waste Authority members considered and approved the draft 2023-24 Waste Authority Annual Report. The report will be provided to the Minister for Environment and then tabled in Parliament later this year. Following its tabling, it will be published on the Waste Authority website.
Development of a National Circular Economy Framework
The Waste Authority noted with interest, a presentation provided by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) on the development of a National Circular Economy Framework, set for release in late 2024.
The National Circular Economy Framework blueprint recognises the need to take a systemic approach, looking across economic activities for significant opportunities where Australia can change its material use, lift sustainability and leverage its competitive advantages.
While the Framework will not be directive on Australian States and Territories, members noted synergies with Western Australia’s Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 (the Waste Strategy) and opportunities to align priorities.
Members also noted CSIRO research work currently underway on sustainability scenario modelling and a Productivity Commission enquiry into circular economy opportunities (where submissions are open until 1 November 2024).
Waste management challenges in regional and remote Aboriginal communities
The Waste Authority noted with interest, an informative report providing an overview of observations from a recent visit by staff from the Department’s Circular Economy team, across the East Kimberley to several Aboriginal communities in Western Australia (including Kununurra, Wyndham, Warmun, Halls Creek and Balgo) as part of the waste strategy review.
Staff travelled with a local Jaru woman from the region and visited local landfills and waste management facilities to help gain a firsthand understanding of the challenges faced by these communities. They met with representatives from local shires, the General Manager at El Questro, Warmun and Wirrimanu Aboriginal corporations, Job Pathways, Revive and Wunan Foundation, the Kimberley Development Commission and local community members.
The visit to these Aboriginal communities provided valuable insights into the current policy environment and practices for waste management, and the barriers and challenges associated with managing waste and providing basic essential services in these remote locations.
Barriers including logistical difficulties, inadequate infrastructure, and historical issues with land tenure and governance, underscore the need for a nuanced approach tailored to the unique circumstances of each community. Addressing these challenges will require increased funding and better targeted resources, with a focus on empowering local communities and enhancing their capacity to manage waste effectively.
Feedback from the recent visit will be incorporated into the final draft waste strategy and roadmap.
Western Australian led national project on end-of-life tyre options
The Waste Authority noted good progress being made by the Department’s Circular Economy team on the Western Australian led national project to assess policy options for end-of-life tyres.
A consultation discussion paper was released in August (and closes on 30 September 2024) to peak bodies including industry groups. An online survey was also prepared to obtain feedback on a series of questions relating to the discussion paper. Feedback received is currently being assessed and will inform the project finalisation.
An investigation into off-the-road tyres and conveyor belts and rubber tracks is also underway, with a working group established that includes New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia.
The final project report will be prepared for the Minister for Environment, with the report to be provided to the Environment Minister’s Meeting in December 2024.
GREAT Sorts waste sorting behaviour change program
The Waste Authority received a presentation on the latest GREAT Sorts waste sorting behaviour change program and were pleased to see the GREAT Sorts campaign performance continuing to improve. The annual waste sorting evaluation consists of an online survey to representatives of the WA population and includes bin tagging data collated from comparable suburbs across 2021 through to 2024.
Members were pleased to see correct disposal of household hazardous waste is improving (with more people taking items such as batteries and electronic waste to drop off locations). Attitudes towards waste sorting remains strong, with a small but growing improvement across most target behaviours.
2022-23 Waste Plan data and Local Government progress against waste strategy targets
The Waste Authority received a summary report highlighting key data from local government waste plan annual reports for the 2022-23 financial year.
Confidential information provided through the local government waste plans (submitted under the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2007) provides a check point that services being delivered by local governments are consistent with the waste strategy and allows the Department to monitor progress against waste strategy targets.
The Waste Authority acknowledged barriers identified by some local governments to achieving consistency with targets in the waste strategy, which included existing energy recovery contracts; Local Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) processing capacity constraints; immaturity of FOGO markets; the need for clear and consistent communications regarding FOGO and the cost to implement FOGO.
2025 Waste Authority meeting schedule
The Waste Authority approved its 2025 quarterly meeting schedule, with meetings to be held on 30 April, 23 July, 15 October and 10 December 2025. A planning day will be held on 25 February 2025, including the Waste Authority’s Program Risk and Performance Committee, to consider key priorities for the 2025-26 Waste Authority Business and Action Plan.
Next meeting
The next meeting of the Waste Authority will be held on 5 December 2024.
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