WasteSorted Grants – Infrastructure and Community Education (WasteSorted Grants) are a State Government initiative administered by the Waste Authority.
WasteSorted Grants provide funding for:
- recycling infrastructure development
- initiatives and events that contribute to waste avoidance and resource recovery.
In 2020, WasteSorted Grants replaced the Community and Industry Engagement (CIE) Program, which started in 2017. Together, these two grant programs have invested over $7.4 million in new infrastructure and programs to reduce waste and increase material recovery in Western Australia.
2021 WasteSorted Grant recipients
2020 WasteSorted Grant recipients
The Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 (waste strategy) contains objectives to avoid waste, recover more value and resources from waste, and protect the environment. Integral to this is supporting local recycling infrastructure, which helps to create jobs and minimise the costs and impacts of unnecessary transport. This furthers the waste strategy’s vision of moving Western Australia towards becoming a circular economy. Also important is supporting work to change waste-related behaviour through education and the development of better practice systems and processes.
WasteSorted Grants support projects that target the State Government's focus materials. Preference in the 2021–22 funding round was given to projects which recover higher value and resources from, and promote the diversion and recovery of, the following focus materials:
- organics: food and garden organics
- construction and demolition waste
- glass: packaging and containers
- metals: steel, non-ferrous metals, packaging and containers
- paper and cardboard: office paper, newspaper and magazines
- plastics: packaging and containers
- textiles: clothing and other fabric-based materials
- hazardous waste (non-household).
Contact details
For further information about WasteSorted Grants, please contact our WasteSorted Grants coordinator via email (wsg@dwer.wa.gov.au) or phone (08 6364 6945).
Future funding
Please subscribe to Waste Authority news to receive details of future funding rounds.