Roads to Reuse Local Government Incentives Program

Supporting projects that contribute to the waste strategy’s targets

About the program

The Roads to Reuse (RtR) incentives program rewards local governments for procuring recycled construction product for civil applications. The product, which is produced by accredited recyclers, is available as road base and drainage rock.  

The program was developed by the Waste Authority and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, in partnership with Waste and Recycling Industry WA, the Department of Health and Main Roads WA.   

Main Roads has already used over 175,000 tonnes of RtR product and is committed to increasing the use of recycled materials across all future infrastructure projects.  

Click here to find a local supplier.

Who can apply?

The program is available to all Western Australian local governments and regional councils.  

The material must be sourced from an accredited RtR supplier, and to receive a payment, local governments must provide evidence to the satisfaction of the Waste Authority that RtR product has been purchased and used (or is intended for use).  

To be eligible for funding, a local government must have no outstanding levy payments as required under the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Levy Regulations 2008. 

Roads to Reuse benefits 

Construction and demolition (C&D) waste makes up about half of WA's waste stream and can be recycled for re-use across the supply chain. The scheme enables C&D recycled product producers to meet local government project resourcing, sustainability and environmental performance, improving waste diversion rates, while contributing to a circular economy. Find out more about Roads to Reuse.

The incentive scheme 

The scheme provides a payment of $5 for each tonne of RtR product sourced from an accredited RtR supplier. The program budget for 2022–23 is $350,000. Payments will be made to local governments on a ‘first come, first served’ basis until the budget is exhausted. 

Terms and conditions

Claims and payments are based on the number of tonnes of RtR product purchased in the funding period and used in local government projects (a single project or multiple projects). Local government projects include those delivered by a local government itself and those delivered on its behalf under contract. Contractors are not able to claim payments under the program. 

To make a claim for funding, a local government must: 

  • purchase RtR products from an accredited supplier 
  • show evidence of purchase 
  • show evidence of use 

Any excess material purchased but not used for the original purpose is still eligible for funding if it is used within two years from the date of purchase. 

How to apply 

Before making a claim applicants should read the Roads to Reuse: Local Government Incentives Program guidelines and the SmartyGrants Help Guide for Applicants

Claims must be completed and submitted through the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation online grants portal, SmartyGrants. We recommend previewing online or downloading the application form to review the information required before starting your application/claim. 

Click here to apply

For more information 

To find out more about how you can benefit from harnessing the C&D waste stream, contact the Roads to Reuse: Local Government Incentives program coordinator on 08 6364 6945 or

Supporting documents

Created Date:
Wed 14 September 2022

Last Edit Date:
Tue 11 April 2023