Waste Levy
The Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Levy Act 2007 (WARR Levy Act) and Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Levy Regulations 2008 (WARR Levy Regulations) provide for a waste levy for waste received at landfill premises in the metropolitan region and to waste collected in the metropolitan region and received at landfill premises outside the metropolitan region.
The waste levy acts as an economic instrument to reduce waste to landfill by increasing the price of landfill disposal and generates funds for a range of waste and environmental purposes.
In accordance with the WARR Act, each year the Minister for Environment must allocate not less than 25 per cent of the forecast waste levy amount to the WARR Account.
Funds in the WARR Account are applied to programs for the management, reduction, reuse, recycling, monitoring or measurement of waste and to support implementation of the Waste Strategy.
Related links
For further information on waste levy rates and the approved forms to be used by landfill licensees for levy related matters, please see the following links: